Founder and the President of The Mount Zion Faith Ministries, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye in his recent post on Facebook shared a message to the public.
While Speaking he reportedly stated that “If You have a broken marriage, don’t ever advise the single ladies not to respect marriage. Because marriage is a social institution with moral obligations; it forms the core of families, promotes social stability, and endures, fluctuating emotions notwithstanding.

And it is called an institution because it is practiced in all human societies throughout the world. And every society from primitive to modern times has had the institution of marriage. But its form and nature have varied from time to time, from society to society. The Bible also supports marriage as an institution in Galatians 2:24 which says
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. And on this note, have respect for marriage.