I can’t breathe – Unfaithful man breaks down after wife cheated as payback

A man who cheated on his wife has cried out on social media after she had a extra-marital affair to pay him back.

He wrote to an online influencer, Nancy to seek advice while narrating what happened between him and his partner.

The husband said that after she found out he was unfaithful, she did same thing with another man and it worsened his Blood pressure.

He said he is having difficulty breathing in addition to the High blood pressure yet his spouse is not remorseful about what she did to him.

According to the man, he confronted his wife about the affair but she she told him that if she catches him cheating again, she would do it again too.

His words; “Hello Nancy, I accidentally cheated on my wife, you won’t believe she cheated back, knowing fully well that i have BP.

She is not even remorseful, she told me anytime she catches me again, she will cheat with someone I know, I am not feeling well at all, my breath is not normal. What should I do to her?”

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