Alibaba has taken out time to advise women who pick up offense when asked by their significant others what they bring to the table.
Alibaba has taken out time to advise women who pick up offense when asked by their significant others what they bring to the table.
He believes it is not a reason to get offended as contrary to popular belief, cash is not the only factor a woman can bring to the table.
Using an example of his friend, he explained how even connections can be suitable in a relationship as his friend was arrested but released shortly after because of his wife’s connection.
He added money management, respect, understanding amongst others that takes precedence over love for some men in relationships.
Alibaba has taken out time to advise women who pick up offense when asked by their significant others what they bring to the table.
Alibaba believes that money doesn’t always have to be priority when stating the qualities that women bring to the table.
“What you bring to the table doesn’t have to be cash”
– Alibaba
— 🐬 @𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗷𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗯𝗼𝘆 (@OneJoblessBoy) December 25, 2023