A Zimbabwean woman has dragged her husband to court for reportedly demanding sex from her anytime she is on her period.
The woman identified as Grater Nyambizi told the court that she lived in fear as her husband threatened to burn her alive if she denied him sex during her period.
“I am terrified by his actions. Every time I deny him s3x, he pours fuel around our cabin, threatening to burn it down with me inside. He even wants me to have s3x with him when I am on my periods, yet I am not comfortable with it,” Nyambizi said.
She also alleged that her husband, Chinyanga often accuses her of infidelity and attacks her with bricks when she returns home late from work. “He accuses me of having extramarital affairs and attacks me with bricks each time I come home late from work,” she claimed.
Reacting to the accusation leveled at him by his wife, Chinyanga also told the court;
“She denies me my conjugal rights, and I only engage in sex with her once a month. We end up fighting because she claims to have more money than me and spends more time at work than with me. I expect her to be home around 1 pm every day. What’s more important than our marriage?” Chinyanga said.
The court however granted the wife, Nyambizi a protection order and advised the couple to seek marriage counselling.