“So many questions still left unanswered, I don’t know what to do but I know I love God and he loves me too. What about you?” – May Edochie (Video)


May Edochie, the estranged wife of Nollywood actor and filmmaker Yul Edochie, has opened up in a recent post, revealing the depth of her inner turmoil.

As a buzzing brand influencer, currently caught in the crossfire of a marital crisis with her husband, May turned to her official TikTok page to share a poignant glimpse into her life—a life seemingly shadowed by battles both seen and unseen.

Her post began with a seemingly cheerful photo of herself that barely masked the storm within.

Beneath the surface, her voice trembled, echoing with a sadness that could shatter even the hardest of hearts. She asked her followers to truly look at her face, to see the years of trials and tribulations etched into every line.

According to her, that was not the face of a woman simply weathering life; it was the face of someone grappling with the cruel and unforgiving mysteries that life so mercilessly throws her way.

May delved into the existential void, grappling with the haunting question of where life is leading us. She admitted to the confusion, to the uncertainty that has wrapped itself around her like a suffocating shroud.

But even in her despair, she clung to a sliver of hope, desperately wishing that today would be the day that finally reveals the elusive smiles, the peace that has evaded her for so long.

Her vulnerability reached a fever pitch as she confessed that so many questions remain unanswered in her life, gnawing away at her sanity. She doesn’t know how to navigate the unrelenting storm of doubts that threatens to pull her under.

And in a moment of pure, raw honesty, she turned the mirror toward her followers, asking them to reflect on their own faith. She knows she loves God, and that God loves her, but she cast out a chilling question—what about them?.

Her words

“Look at this face, I know the years are showing, where is life going, but I hope today shows us where the smiles are

“So many questions still left unanswered, I don’t know what to do, but I know I love God and he loves me too. What about you?”


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