“He said he loves me and wants to marry me” – Lady raises alarm after suitor courting her left because of ‘just’ 50k she didn’t pay back

A lady online has expressed shock after an intending suitor ghosted her over her inability to pay back ‘just’ 50k she owed him.

The young lady shared the tweet narrating the situation on her account on X, @BeniNitq.

She blamed the young man for his decision to move on after a small inconvenience.

Narrating the story, she claimed he loved her, calling and sending her prayers every morning.

However, one day she went broke and needed financial assistance so she reached out to him to help her with a 50k loan with a promise to pay it back the next week.

Unfortunately she was unable to pay back the next week because of unknown circumstances and she tried to reach him but he just ghosted her.

In her words;

“I remember how this guy was all over me ,he said he loves me and wants to marry me ,he practically wakes me up with call and prayers everyday,I went broke one day and I asked him to borrow me money that I will return it the following week , something led to something and I was unable to fulfill my own part of the deal ,that is how this guy suddenly ghost me and stop talking to me I even try to reach out to him to explain why I couldn’t return his money back ,all effort was proved abortive , how on earth will you ghost someone you claim you love because of 50k 😂😂

I pray he sees this”


Some reactions to the post

@abbietayo asked: “Hope you’ve sha returned his money”

@EnangDavid said: “Can’t blame the guy. Unreliable People Annoy me so much.”

@PAPIBILLIONAIRE opined: “If he sees this tweet. He will still be bitter because this tweet doesn’t show you’re remorseful about it even if you’re.”

@naughty_libra07 wrote: “Well since you broke the deal.. Saw you as someone who would not likely keep her word.. He didn’t want to hear the backend story.. So he ghosted”

@Denix001 asked: “Did I just read “because of 50k”? No be the same 50k that something led to something that you couldn’t pay back? Benita, if no one will tell you, I will. Your head is not correct…as in, ori e ope rara.”

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