Dating several people helps you, it provides clarity in choosing the right one to marry – Pastor advises singles


Pastor Elvis Agyemang, the founder of Grace Mountain Ministries, has ignited widespread conversation with his recent comments on relationships, where he suggested that dating multiple partners is acceptable as long as it does not involve courtship.

During a sermon, Pastor Agyemang expressed that it is “perfectly acceptable” to have multiple boyfriends or girlfriends while dating, emphasizing that the practice allows individuals to explore their options before making a serious commitment. He noted that many people rush into relationships without fully understanding the other person, which often leads to heartbreak.

“Dating several people helps you know your preferences and avoid making hasty decisions. It provides clarity in choosing the right partner,” Pastor Agyemang explained.

However, he was quick to clarify that once a relationship transitions into courtship—a stage typically considered a precursor to marriage—commitment becomes exclusive. He warned that dating multiple people while in courtship is “inappropriate and dishonourable.”

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