A Nigerian lady advises on the need to check a potential partner’s genotype early in the relationship as she suffers a heartbreaking breakup.
In a heartfelt post, the TikToker known as @__faith67 revealed that her relationship abruptly ended due to genotype incompatibility.
Faith shared screenshots of her partner’s WhatsApp messages, explaining that their AS-AS genotype pairing meant they couldn’t continue their relationship.
In the messages, her partner expressed regret, saying, “We are both same genotype which is very bad for both of us. We can’t marry each other. AS can’t marry AS dat means I’m wasting my time on you.”
The heartbroken lady posted a picture of herself in tears, lamenting the sudden end of the relationship, and admitted that she still misses him.
“Girl to girls. Before you start any relationship please know ur partner genotype,” she captioned the post.
Her story has resonated with many online, drawing sympathy and sparking discussions about the importance of genotype compatibility in relationships to avoid potential health risks for future children.
A social media user @His-Wiffey
reacted, “Yes oo
facing my parent mistake now
lost my one nd only big sister
nd still Nursing
my junior sister.”
Another user @BHADMANHUSH added, “I feel your pain
take heart and keep going you’ll surely find someone who will match your genotype and love you more than he does
stay strong.”